“We Become What We Think”

“We become what we think about” – Earl Nightingale Intellectual consent and Emotional attachment to one’s beliefs can determine the kind of life one will have in this world. The Bible says; “Anyone who comes to God must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Heb.11:6). Some of usContinue reading ““We Become What We Think””

Kick the Alcoholics Out of Your Life

In 30 years of pastoral ministry, I have always felt compassion for those addicted in various maladies of life and substances.  Be it narcotics, alcohol or some behavioral maladies, I always felt sorry for the person trapped inside.  But lately, I came in close relationships with several families that are going through such horrible painContinue reading “Kick the Alcoholics Out of Your Life”

Joy vs Jealousy: Leah vs Rachel

In my life as a minister of the gospel, I have been baselessly and brutally attacked by many Christians.  They have falsely accused me, reported me to the authorities and even spread false rumors of filing court cases against them even as they claimed and sold ministry properties.  My best intentions for them have beenContinue reading “Joy vs Jealousy: Leah vs Rachel”

भाग्यमा यस्तै रहेछ!

जीवनमा जब हमी हार खान्छौं तब हाम्रो संस्कृतिमा भाग्यलाई दोष दिएर टुटेको मन बुझाउने प्रयास गरिन्छ।  जात-भातका कुरामा, धनी-गरीबका कुरामा, र दुःख सुखका कुरामा पनि भावीले लेखेको भन्दै मल्लो जातले तल्लो जातलाई दबाउन सजिलो, धनीले गरीबमाथि शासन गर्न सजिलो, र सुखीले दुःखीलाई साहायता नगर्दा पनि विवेकमा फरक नपर्ने।  यो संस्कृतिको पछाडि यूनानी दर्शन र पूर्वियाContinue reading “भाग्यमा यस्तै रहेछ!”

Why Don’t I Feel the Love of God?

God is love, said John the apostle.  This love is defined in relation to God’s actions with human beings.  The first few glimpses in the Book of Genesis reveal to us God’s amazing love for sinners like us. Adam broke God’s command and sinned. God comes and says “where are you Adam?” as if toContinue reading “Why Don’t I Feel the Love of God?”

चाहे दाखको बोटमा फल नफलोस्!

नेपाल देशलाई हेर्दा एसीयाका गरीब राष्ट्रहरू मध्य दोस्रो स्थानमा आउँदो रहेछ[1];  “ब्रेन ड्रेन” जस्ता रोगको कारण भुसतिघ्रेहरूको अड्डा भएछ।  राजनीतिलाई हे्र्दा जनता लुट्ने भ्रष्टाचारी नेताहरूको पेवा बनेछ।  जनतालाई हेर्दा तिनै भ्रष्ट नेताले एक बोरा चामल दिदा मख्ख हुँदै उनैलाई पटक पटक भोट दिएर जिताउने साधन भएछन्।  कर्मचारी तन्त्रलाई हेर्दा पिउन देखि हाकिम सम्म घुसखोरीको आँकडाContinue reading “चाहे दाखको बोटमा फल नफलोस्!”